
Places to buy switch eshop codes
Places to buy switch eshop codes

places to buy switch eshop codes

Need and importance of Physical Education.Meaning and definition of Physical Education, its aim and objectives.Part – A Unit I Concept of Physical Education Physical Education Class XI – Theory Max.Marks 70 The school should provide adequate funds for physical education and health education for purchase of equipments, books on physical education and also for the maintenance of sports facilities.The teacher handling the elective programme of physical education should hold a Master Degree in Physical Education.The school should have adequate open space to accommodate at least 200 M track and play fields for minimum three games/sports.Only those schools satisfying the following conditions will be permitted to offer physical education as a course of study at +2 stage as an elective subject: Conditions for Granting Affiliation to Schools for Offering Physical Education as an Elective Subject. Instructional hours and duration of the period should be strictly as per the norms of the Board.The unit of a class in physical education and health education should not exceed 40 students.Those granted permission to join the course should be medically fit to follow a prescribed programme of physical education.Those who do not represent the school but are keen to join the course should undergo a physical fitness test and secure a minimum of 40% marks.Those who have represented the school in the Inter School Sports & Games Competitions in any Game/Sport.The following category of students will be permitted to join the course: Eligibility Conditions for Admission to the Course Guidelines for Physical Education Teachers. Guidelines for evaluation of Physical Education theory paper X. List of content of syllabus Work load/teaching components maximum marks allotment paper setting and nature of questions setting exams IX.

places to buy switch eshop codes

Norms for Physical Fitness Test for admission to Physical Education in class XI & for testing Physical Fitness for Boys of classes XI & XII VIII. Norms for Physical Fitness Test for admission to Physical Education in class XI & for testing Physical Fitness for Girls of classes XI & XII VII. Part C – Practical - Distribution of marks for the activity practical syllabus. Theory syllabus for class XII (Part A & B). Theory syllabus for class XI (Part A & B) IV. Conditions for granting affiliation to the schools for offering Physical Education as an elective subject III. Eligibility conditions for admission to the course II. PHYSICAL EDUCATION Class-11, Class-12 (Code No.048)

Places to buy switch eshop codes